Gourmet Ranch

Alright peeps! This is one of my favorite game. 
Actually time jmpa diz GR, i was searching other game that is also call gourmet. 

But when i found diz GR, i totally forgot about the Gourmet tingy. 

Once i started, i am invited my bro n he also loves this game. Men game nie HARUS ada ramai neighbor. 
To trade things, to exchanged gift and so on. Then agak lama gak la dh main (dlm 2 bulan) i am started feel bored, bukan pe, xde rmai neighbor. Then, i left this game, back to my normal game SL (sorority life-girly games). 

Lepas tu tgh2 bosan gak, g tgk page GR nie, owhhhshh there kan, lots of people yg suh add diorang sbb nak naik kan level n so on kena ramai neighbor,  HAHAHA i pon pe lgi, "add me pls, need to level up my game". tu lah ayat2 bermulanya detik aku meneruskan perjuangan membesarkan empayar GR ku. 
=) peeps! yang belum g try main game nie, silalah main k! Click here peeps! http://www.facebook.com/gourmetranch

Suka Kumpul Duit!

ha.... nie nk kongsi cket pasal hobi RM1 ku. actually, aku kumpul RM1 bukan sbb nak menambah tabungan ke, nak kumpul duit kawen ke, apa2 yg berkaitan lar. Tapi, aku kumpul RM1 nie sbb 
a) duit tu baru (maksud kat cnie, kaler still bright, keras, n bau duit kuikuikui)
b) sebab bar kod duit RM1 tersebut. aku suka tengok kalau nombornye mcm 888 ke, 9999 ke, n aku penah kumpul 4 keping nombor berurutan. best2. (act.keja nie x mendatangkan faedah kecuali org nmpak aku mcm kedekut) haha

nak dijadikan cecite2 neh. aku time 2 with myDarl pegi la bli brg kat 7E. die xde sehengget tem 2, so aku pun suh dia ambik kt my purse. tem die nk byr, aku tgk duit sehengget yg aku kumpul 2, pe lgi aku pn suh die byr je guna duit BESAR die, pnye la aku syg. hehe sory Darl. really sorry 4 dat. =)

D 711,712,713

My o my........... 
Nie la antara nombor yg selalu sangat aku cri, 
9.00 pgi ::: 711, american idol (repeat) "bosan, dah tgk."
9.10 pgi ::: 712, the dance scene, "adoi, mls plak nk nengok diorg neh. npe xde khloe n lamar? the kardashian ke???" 
9.11 pgi ::: 713, the teens cribs. "layannnn, woaaaa, lawanya rumah diorg. besar lak 2......." mula la aku berangan sesorang.........

8.00 pm ::: my mom "tgk la tv3, (berita terkini la tuu) --bosan-- tpi tukar gak cenel tu. haha
9.00 pm ::: "mlm nie juvana ke? asmara ke? seram ke? (dh lupa hari plak) huhu 

--- the main point kt cnie, kalau memalam, kena gak la tgk melayu punya cenel. haha kalau siang, pa pe je, except my bro tetiba sibuk nk tgk sport cenel. mula la aku on9........ hehehe 

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